Electromagnetic Radiation – Neutralising the Impact
Another of Shungite’s great assets, which mainly accounts for is recent fame, is its ability to protect us from electromagnetic radiation.
This radiation is one of the principal sources of left torsion fields. They are very harmful to our health and especially detrimental to our overall energetic balance, which includes all of the following levels: physical, energetic, emotional, psychic and spiritual.
The rapid technological development of our society has brought us into contact all day long with a large quantity of these sources of harmful radiation, and very often we are quite unaware this is happening. It is clear that we need to find solutions so that humankind can survive its own technology.
For about fifteen years, a number of researchers in the field of bioenergy have endeavoured to identify system that would allow individuals to re-establish their equilibrium. However, it has only been recently that the public at large is beginning to be more fully informed about the health problems created by the increase in electromagnetic radiation. A simple, efficient, inexpensive solution is what we need – Shungite.

Our research on Shungite demonstrated its effectiveness in neutralising the effects of electric fields, electromagnetic fields, and pulsed electromagnetic fields such as those emitted by home appliances, cordless phones (DECT), cell phones, Wi-Fi hot spots and computers – in short, all of the electromagnetic emissions that generally surround us.
We conducted two kinds of experiments: one was to test the different ways the impact of electromagnetic fields on the individual could be corrected and the other was to try to correct the harmful information directly at its source. In both cases we obtained totally satisfying results with Shungite. A complete account of these tests is provided in appendix 1. (not included)
It would be useful to make and important comment on the “correcting” of the emanations from electromagnetic fields to avoid any possible misunderstanding. The transformative effect of Shungite appears essentially at the bioenergetic level: one could say that it transforms a left torsion influence into a right torsion influence.
Although electromagnetic waves are invisible, they have a physical component and it is this physical component that is picked up by the commonly used electromagnetic field detectors. When the influence is modified on a subtler energetic level, the physical emanation is still picked up by the detection equipment. In other words, the Shungite does not interfere with the functioning of this equipment. It doesn’t turn off the pulsed waves emitted by a Wi-Fi transmitter, a cordless phone, or a cell phone. Instead it transforms the influence of harmful radiation. It is quite clear that the solution is not to eliminate the radiation but instead to prevent its deleterious impact on our health.

Research into Electromagnetic Radiation
The especially important property of Shungite can be illustrated with an example drawn from an experiment carried out recently in Russia. Researchers went to a site where poultry was being raised and for twenty-one days they studied three incubators, each of which contained ninety-eight hen’s eggs. They placed a cell phone in standby mode in the centre of the first incubator. The second incubator contained another cell phone, in standby mode, positioned on a Shungite plate. The third incubator was the control and was used in the normal way. At the end of the twenty-one days, the control group had a loss rate of 11.2 percent. The incubator with an unprotected portable phone had only twenty-one chicks hatched – a loss rate of 79.42 percent! The incubator with the cell phone that had Shungite protection came in with a loss rate of 10.5 percent. The figures speak for themselves.
A similar experiment was conducted in France by researchers at the Immunology and Parasitology Laboratory of the University of Montpellier, but they didn’t use Shungite. Only the harmful effects of the electromagnetic waves from cell phones (without protection) were measured in the incubators. The results of the measurement of harmful effects were about the same as those in the Russian experiment.